Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®) Benefits

How Humans Respond to Stress

Humans, just like animals, are constantly seeking safety and running away from threat. We all have a very primal response that is performed spontaneously whenever we are under a perceived danger. Even though the ways of responding to stress are similar to animals, humans perceive stress differently. We may consider work, relationships or specific situations in our lives as being ‘threatening’.

Psoas: The ‘Fight or Flight’ Muscle

When we feel under stress or in danger, our body has many chemical reactions, releasing stress hormones and increasing blood flow to specific muscles of our body to prepare us to either fight or run away. An important set of muscles used in this process is the psoas muscle, which is located in our hip area, connecting our legs, pelvis and spine and stand guard to protect the centre of gravity of the human body. During any traumatic or stressful experience, the psoas muscles contract in order to roll the body into a ball protecting the underbelly of the body from harm. When the psoas muscle doesn’t return to a relaxed state after the stressful event, they remain vulnerable to continued stimulation from even minor amounts of stress, setting up a vicious cycle of endless stress and anxiety. This chronic tension can also lead to psychosomatic issues such as chronic diseases, physical pain, and gastro-intestinal problems.

The Stress Anxiety Loop

For all humans, just like animals, after the stressful situation is over, the nervous system should naturally activate itself and begin to shake out any residual chemicals or tension remaining from the perceived traumatic or stressful episode. This shaking sends a signal to the brain informing it that the danger has subside and it can now turn off its alert status. If the nervous system does not activate itself, the body continues to remain in a kind of short circuit loop with the brain continuing to believe it is still in danger and therefore continuing to command the body to stay in a state of defensiveness, readiness and alert.

Shaking the Stress Away

To release the charge and to heal those physical trauma contractions, this deep set of muscles must let go of their protective tension and return to a relaxed state. Therefore, one of the key ways to release the accumulated stress in our body and return to a state of equilibrium is to literally shake the stress away. All the animals do it, so why shouldn’t we? All you need to let loose your inhibitions, trust the process and allow your organism to shake off your tension.

Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®)

Created by Dr David Berceli, TRE consist of seven simple exercises that are designed to stress the psoas muscle that reply purely on the body’s natural ability to trigger tremors. This releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this natural mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance. This therapeutic tremoring helps the body release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and even trauma.

Reported Benefits of TRE®

  • Deeper Relaxation

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced pain

  • Greater Resilience

  • Reduced Occupational Stress

  • Improved Core Stability

  • More Energy & Vitality

  • Stronger Mindfulness

  • Faster recovery

  • Empowered relationships


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